Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Is non-functional brake light illegal?

That’s the second time I followed a car with non-working brake light.

Are the drivers of those cars unaware that their lights are not working or they don’t care enough to get those fixed?

Should those people be fined or crashed into from the rear?


Hammy said...

Yo Ben - In Oz if your right-hand brake light doesn't work, the one closest to the middle of the road, then you can be fined. Do the police bother? It appears not judging by the amount of cars on the road with faulty brake lights.

I would love to smash the windscreens of cars that have out-of-date registration stickers. Haven't done so though.

Anonymous said...

it was me!

I did it! I have 2 brake lights out of 3 not working..
